


The Sodalitas Solis Alati is governed by the Grand Council of the College of the Adepti. The G.C.C.A. consists of four officers:


  • The Grand Imperator, whose sole duty is to lead the Order in conformity with the vision of the Order and its egregore.
  • The Consul of the Magi or Magus, whose prime duty is to represent the magical work in the Grand Council of the College of the Adepti
  • The Consul of Arcana Sapientia or Pontifex, whose prime duty is to represent the mystical work in the Grand Council of the College of the Adepti.
  • The Consul of the Magisterium, whose prime duty is to represent the alchemical work in the Grand Council of the College of the Adepti.


The Grand Council of the College of the Adepti consists of:


Imperator G.H. Fr. A.V.I.A.F.
Magus G.H. Fr. N.V.
Pontifex G.H. Fr. V.N.P.
Magister G.H. Fr. D.D.


Each of the Seven Paths has one or more Praemonstrator(es) who has the responsibility of each of the Paths.