Sodalitas Rosae+Crucis is governed by a Grand Council consisting of three elected members of the Sodalitas Solis Alati, who shall serve as the Imperator, Praemonstrator and Cancellarius of the SRC. They are normally elected for a period of Five years, and are accountable to the Grand Council of the College of Adepti.
The Grand Council of the SRC is to supervise the perpetuation and development of the SRC, in accordance with the vision set forth and accepted by the Grand Council of the College of Adepti.
The Grand Council of the SRC consists of:
Imperator G.H. Fr. S.S. Praemonstrator V.H. Fr. S.A.L. Cancellarius G.H. Sr. A.A.
Each Temple is accountable towards the Grand Council of the SRC.